Sunday, May 14, 2017

For a joyful smile, go for dental implants in Houston TX

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Office Address: 2400 Mid Ln. STE 350, Houston, TX 77027
Call today: 713-322-8442

If a tooth is severely decayed or damaged, the root and the visible part of the tooth, called the crown are removed. A dental implant is placed in the jawbone, which will fuse with the natural bone to provide a firm and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. Implants are used to replace individual teeth, as well as implant supported dentures and bridges consisting of multiple teeth.
Dental implants are easily the closest to natural and healthy teeth. Dental implants allow you to laugh, talk, smile, eat, play, and enjoy your daily activities confidently without needing to worry about your teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Best replacement for natural and healthy teeth
Dental implants are strong and stable. They restore teeth that feel, fit, and function just like natural teeth. Other replacement options may cause bone deterioration and interfere with day to day activities in your everyday life.

Best long term solution
Tooth supported bridges can only last for a few years. At some point, they will need to be replaced. Dental implants don’t even require periodic adjustments and can last your entire life when properly cared for.

Retain natural facial shape and smile
If you lose your teeth, you face can droop, and appear to be sad and sunken. Dental implants will help in retaining your facial shape and your smile.

Protect your jawbone

Leaving empty spaces in-between teeth can lead to other health issues and can cause loss and deterioration of your jawbone, losing its firmness and strength. Dental implants are a restorative option which preserves and stimulate bone growth.

Smile confidently without worry
You will not need to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed to smile, but enjoy life and smile confidently.